Wednesday, July 10, 2013


     Part 2:  Brick staining

   So before we could finish staining the brick we had to take care of some pesky(not sure if that is a word) things-aka the roses!!  I have never loved roses- the plants ( I love the flowers and getting them!) and I never wanted rose bushes at my house, but guess what- they came with the house!!  So we need to get rid of them!! Hey I let them bloom once while we lived here, and loved everyone of those beautiful pink flowers.  Now they are gone and the plants need to go too!!  The beautiful purple Iris of plenty has to go too!! They had their turn to bloom once as well!!  So here are the before pictures with the flowers and then without-you be the judge which looks better.  As for myself -less is more ! I love my empty dirt for now!

                                         Yes that is a camoflauge suburban-don't judge me!!

                         So now on to more important things- staining the brick!! I finally finished brushing the very last brick and the very last piece of grout.  HOORAY- one brick at a time is the best way to get the very best results.  It only took me 4 mornings to do the whole front of the house.  I just had to make sure I finished one half , so it wouldn't have a color difference.  So I stopped at the front door and then did the other half another day.  I also did the cap (top) on a different day then the rest of the brick and it turned out fine.  So an new roof and $100 of stain and  here she is in all her glory !!


                                                    Here's a BEFORE and AFTER
                                                  (sorry can't figure out side by side)